
23 Sept 2013

Around garage

We have achieved a lot this past husband and I. We were working on two projects: finishing the garage insulation and redirecting the first 3 downspouts - next to the garage and front door, basically finishing them properly.

My husband is really handy and because he wants to carry on with different projects also during the winter, and so do I :-), we decided to insulate our garage completely, so that we can use it as a workshop and don't freeze to death. Here is how it went...

As for the downspouts, we purchased the house with "half-finished job" on them (the whole neighbourhood has them that way) and whenever it rained, it caused erosion and flooded our driveway, because they were only pointed toward the ground next to the garage, front door etc. We were connecting them with the underground pipes and directing them further from the house to the landscape.

The job is done, now I am ready to finish what I started - my front yard landscaping - next year!

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