
30 Sept 2013

EU Explained

I was looking for a book about European Union mainly because I felt I needed to learn the right vocabulary as I was struggling to find the words when talking about the EU. My country wasn't part of the EU when I started to learn English, later on when it joined the EU, I was living in Germany..., and here in the US you don't hear that much about the EU, so I was happy when I found this book. It is also very informative.

" The European Union Explained provides a concise overview of the structure, history, and policies of the European Union. Drawing on many years of teaching and consulting, Andreas Staab offers basic terms and interpretive frameworks for understanding the evolution of the EU; the overall structure, purpose, and mandate of its main constituent divisions; and key policy areas, such as market unification."

26 Sept 2013

Plane crash

Yesterday afternoon I was doing some work on my computer and all of the sudden I hear this strange noise from outside. At first I thought somebody was mowing lawn, but the noise was getting louder and louder, so I went to my patio to check what the heck was going on. Well, to my surprise, there were four helicopters hovering in the air focusing on one area. When it was going on like this for 20 minutes I decided to check TV news and internet, by that time I knew something was wrong.

There it was right in the headlines "Bolingbrook Plane Crash" 
The helicopters were the news choppers.

Chicago Tribune , 25 September 2013

The pilot of the small single-engine plane was heading for the Clow International Airport when the plane hit a tree and three cars before it crashed in the parking lot of a Chase Bank at Weber road which is just minutes from where I live.

Aerial View of Clow International Airport

According to Chicago Tribune, the pilot of the plane, 63 year old man from Kentucky, died yesterday at Loyola Medical Center where he had been taken with severe burns. His wife, the other person on board, died at the scene.

My husband was on his way from work and passing the scene in real time. This is what he witnessed.

What a sad day.

23 Sept 2013

Around garage

We have achieved a lot this past husband and I. We were working on two projects: finishing the garage insulation and redirecting the first 3 downspouts - next to the garage and front door, basically finishing them properly.

My husband is really handy and because he wants to carry on with different projects also during the winter, and so do I :-), we decided to insulate our garage completely, so that we can use it as a workshop and don't freeze to death. Here is how it went...

As for the downspouts, we purchased the house with "half-finished job" on them (the whole neighbourhood has them that way) and whenever it rained, it caused erosion and flooded our driveway, because they were only pointed toward the ground next to the garage, front door etc. We were connecting them with the underground pipes and directing them further from the house to the landscape.

The job is done, now I am ready to finish what I started - my front yard landscaping - next year!

17 Sept 2013


This year, for some reason, I had some sort of hay fever, which I normally never have and it was bothering me for a couple of weeks. I wasn't able to do much as my symptoms were really bad.
I don't like to take drugs, so after about a week I decided to research what can I do about it and came across an article that was suggesting to take Quercetin, aside from other natural remedies. It really helped, so if I ever suffer from allergies in the future, I will use this product again.
Quercetin is a naturally occurring bioflavonoid that supports healthy histamine levels, thereby helping to sustain a balanced immune response. Bromelain, an enzyme derived from pineapple stems, also supports healthy immune system function. The combination of Quercetin and Bromelain therefore provides powerful immunomodulating benefits important for the management of occasional seasonal discomfort.*