
24 May 2013

Where is home? Brno...

I was born (later also worked) in Brno which is, after Prague, the second largest city in the Czech Republic, but grew up in the countryside about 26 km (16 miles) north west from Brno on the border of Brněnský kraj /Brno region and Kraj Vysočina /Highlands region.


My "backyard"...

Pernštejn Castle

Pernštejn Castle
Brno is about 200 km (125 miles) from Prague.
I miss my home in the heart of Europe. My downtown coffee sipping and catching up with friends after work, surrounded by historical buildings which I took for granted, the cobblestones that were killing my feet in the heel shoes - you get used to it eventually :-), swimming in the Brno dam and dreaming about the ocean we didn't have, hours of forest hiking and the madness of the mushroom picking that we Czechs are so famous for, and so many other things that I gladly, for the time being (?!), exchanged for other experiences elsewhere.
Brno and the area is one of my many homes and I will write about the other ones next time. In the meantime you can find out what is life in Brno like in this video.

 Brno Dam - would you believe that you can get right to the dam by a tram from the Brno downtown!

 Lednice Castle


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